I try to practice my natural light shots, using my kids of course, because #1 - they are accessible, #2 - I'm usually pretty quick (so I can usually bribe them into giving me 5 minutes of their valuable time), and #3 - I need the practice, and what better to practice on, then one's own children? However, there are ALWAYS those days when they give me more grief the help. I mean, hey...it's just a few pictures...can't you help me out?
Take for instance, a couple of weeks ago...child #3 had lost her 3rd tooth (a topper) and she has that 'oh-so-cute-missing-a-tooth-gap'. I thought "I can kill two birds with one proverbial stone here"...get some practice with light, get some cute shots. Yea, ok, I got one...

Because *1* is all the kid was willing to give....no more, no less...as cute as she is, she refused to look at the camera AND plugged up the gapper with her tongue (and nevermind the icky glare on the specs, which is why I PRACTICE!)...
I mean, I birthed the child, you'd think that she would give me SOMETHING....nope...in reality, she just insisted on messing with me and it's painfully obvious and clear here....
So...I went to child #2...hoping for some better results, maybe a bit more cooperation (forget the fact that whilst I was trying to get child #3 to cooperate, child #2 was actually encouraging the non-compliant behavior!)
Well....this is what I got:
S-I-G-H........gotta love kids
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