First and foremost, let me expound on the fact that once Halloween hits, I begin to stress out about the holidays. It's not like I'm a Grinch or anything, but I've lost my love of the holidays due to the enormously horrid plethora of marketing that infiltrates our lives (i.e. the Toys 'R Us catalog amongst others...), which inevitably competes with the TRUE meaning of what the holidays stand for. I dislike Halloween immensely - the pressure of costumes, the candy and crap - but I resolve to participate...because I have children, and there is no way to sufficiently deprive them of what they consider to be fun.
Our neighbor turned 50 this year, his birthday is on Halloween, and the house was decorated to the hilt in celebration.
Joe? Joe? Say it ain't so...50 isn't that bad dude....
(I digress......)
This year, as in years' past, our girls (minus Kid #1, who at 13 was not 'available' to march....this is the first year since her birth, that I don't have a picture of her in costume ...), participate in the annual Halloween festivities that have been a 17-year tradition, two blocks up. The kidlets, in all their splendor, arrive and mingle, awaiting the arrival of the "King", who mugs for the photos and then leads a procession (much akin to the "Pied Piper") down the street, setting off the trick-or-treating season.
Kid #3 and her preschool friends (yes, they are in 1st grade now, but this is our annual
"Let's hang with the Boys" night out! Neven...it's ok to smile bud!)
Nathan! Over here....
Nathan! Over HERE....
Hey Nathan! Look OVER there....
While this technically is a kid's holiday, don't let the parents know that....

This is our resident city-councilman! Striking, no?
This is Roscoe...he waited patiently by the door to greet the trick-or-treaters to give him a pat on the head, in exchange for some goodies...I couldn't resist him!
And this is what happens when certain individuals make post-all-hallows-ween adult beverages....NOT a pretty picture!