Boy, my apologies for neglecting this blog for the past several weeks...needless to say, I suck at blogging, LOL! I'm great at taking photos and editing, but when it comes to uploading and writing, I need to work on that for sure.
So, forgive me....
I have some gorgeous things to share - namely THOROUGHBRED HORSES! I grew up living just above the Santa Anita Racetrack, I mean literally, you could place a bet and then walk into the backyard and hear Trevor Denman calling the race! Needless to say I NEVER went to the track...it took me 40 years to get there and I can tell you that this past Saturday I photographed the most amazing, gorgeous creatures.
We met a friend in the morning at Clocker's Corner for breakfast and watched the morning work-outs. I was giddy as a kid in a candy store, armed with my 5d...I shot across the track during the workout.

Ok, so this isn't a horse, but it IS Hall-of-Fame jockey Gary Stevens holding court at Clocker's Corner!

Ok, AND we got to meet him (he played drums with my husband's band in college!) Forgive the Facebook/MySpace/pseudo-gang signs of my almost-7-year-old
Later we took the Seabiscuit Tour through the back barns, into the pre-race paddock, into the jockey's silk room and jockey room, then into the saddling paddock...it was wonderful.

I feel inspired (almost) to raise at 5 a.m. to go to the track and shoot these beasts through the morning fog..(I said FEEL inspired...I'm not committing to anything because unfortunately my body truly doesn't function well before 10:30 a.m.!)

This is Lexi...she for the most part, lives at the track and hangs around with her best friends - Rebel the carriage horse. See her coat? I love it! So fashionista...or is that doginista??

Jockey Danny Sorenson
Jockey, Corey Nakatani...man, this guy has been around forEVER....one of the last great jockeys...I bet on him when I used to go Del Mar in the '90s....